Regulations for sport fishing at sea


(Editorial revised text - Part Sports and recreational fishing at sea)

 — in the text of the Law, articles 1 to 24 are omitted – they do not refer to sport or recreational fishing—

Sport fishing at sea

Article 24

(1) Sport fishing at sea may only be carried out with the possession of a daily, multi-day or annual permit for sport fishing at sea.
(2) Permits for sport fishing at sea are issued in electronic form by the Ministry, and they are sold by the National Association for Sport Fishing at Sea of the Republic of Croatia.
(3) Members of national associations for sport fishing at sea have the right to purchase daily and multi-day permits for sport fishing.
(4) The right to purchase an annual license for sport fishing belongs to the members of the national association for sport fishing at sea of the Republic of Croatia, who reside in the Republic of Croatia.


Article 25 (1) It is prohibited to fish with an underwater rifle, except for sport fishing.
(2) When fishing with an underwater rifle, the angler must be properly marked in accordance with a special regulation.
(3) A license for spearfishing may not be sold to a person under the age of 16.


Article 26.(1) Competitions in sport fishing at sea may not be held without a Decision on the approval of the Ministry.
(2) The decision from paragraph 1 of this article with the conditions of the competition is issued by the Ministry. 
(3) No appeal is allowed against the decision from paragraph 2 of this article, but an administrative dispute can be initiated. The initiation of an administrative dispute does not delay the execution of the decision.
(4) The National Association for Sport Fishing at Sea is obliged to submit the competition calendar to the Ministry by December 31 of the current year, for the following year.
(5) During the sport fishing competition, the amount of catch is not limited.
(6) As an exception to paragraph 5 of this article, the amount of catch in the competition can be limited if species whose catch is otherwise limited are caught.
(7) The ruling from paragraph 2 of this article may limit other types of fishing during the time and in the area of the competition.

Recreational fishing

Article 27

(1) Recreational fishing may be carried out with a daily, multi-day and annual permit.
(2) As an exception to paragraph 1 of this article, persons under the age of 14 are allowed to engage in recreational fishing with a single line, with or without the use of a rod, without a permit.

Issuing licenses for recreational fishing

Article 28

(1) Permits for recreational fishing are issued by the Ministry and legal and natural persons authorized by the Ministry.
(2) The annual permit referred to in paragraph 1 of this article may only be issued to a natural person residing in the Republic of Croatia.

Common provisions for sport and recreational fishing

Article 29

(1) Certain types of fish and other marine organisms caught in sport fishing and recreational fishing must be marked immediately after the catch, and at the latest before leaving the place of catch.
(2) As an exception to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article, fish and other marine organisms caught during sports fishing competitions must be marked immediately after the expiry of the appeal period after weighing.
(3) In sport fishing and recreational fishing, it is permitted to catch and collect up to five kilograms of fish and other marine organisms per day, and the permitted daily amount of catch may be greater for the weight of one fish or other marine organism that exceeds the permitted five kilograms.
(4) Sports and recreational anglers may not have with them a larger quantity of fish and other marine organisms that are subject to labeling in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article, and caught in sports or recreational fishing, than the amount prescribed in paragraph 3 of this article.
(5) Legal and natural persons who sell licenses for sport fishing and recreational fishing at sea are obliged to submit reports on the licenses sold to the Ministry.
(6) The forms and manner of issuing permits for sports and recreational fishing, as well as the content, form and delivery deadlines of the report referred to in paragraph 5 of this article, as well as the labeling referred to in paragraph 1 of this article, shall be prescribed by the minister by ordinance.

Special provisions for sport and recreational fishing

Article 30.(1) Fishing for Atlantic tuna (Thunnus thynnus), eel (Xiphias gladius), eel (Tetrapturus belone), and collection of corals and sponges is prohibited in sport fishing and recreational fishing.
(2) Exceptionally from paragraph 1 of this article, in recreational fishing at sea it is allowed to catch Atlantic tuna, eel, and eel only with a special permit issued by the Ministry, and in sport fishing as part of the competition from Article 26 of this Act.

Tools and equipment for sport fishing and recreational fishing

Article 31. In sport fishing and recreational fishing at sea, only fishing tools and equipment prescribed by the regulations from Article 1, paragraph 1 of this Act and the regulations adopted on the basis of this Act may be used.
(2) The manner of use, types and quantity as well as the manner of marking of fishing tools and equipment that may be used in sport and/or recreational fishing at sea shall be prescribed by the minister by ordinance.
 — in the text of the Law, articles 32 to 82 are omitted – they do not refer to sport or recreational fishing—

Important note - see the implementing regulation REGULATION ON SPORTS AND RECREATION FISHING AT SEA
(Official Gazette 122/17 with changes)

On the basis of Article 13, Article 28, paragraph 2, Article 29, paragraphs 6 and 8, Article 30, paragraph 3, and Article 33, paragraph 6 of the Marine Fisheries Act (Official Gazette, No. 62/ 17.) the Minister of Agriculture adopts


(Editorial revised text, "Narodne novine", number 122/17, 12/18, 54/18, 69/20, 125/20 and 87/21)

Article 1.

This Ordinance prescribes:
- sale of licenses for sport and recreational fishing (hereinafter: license)
– records of sold permits
– content of the license sale agreement
– methods of reporting on the sale of permits
– types of permits
– prices of individual categories of permits
- permitted fishing tools, their quantity and characteristics
- the minimum size of fish and other marine organisms below which they may not be caught, collected, retained on the vessel and landed
- labeling of catches from sport and recreational fishing.


Article 2.

In the sense of this Ordinance, apart from the terms defined in the Marine Fisheries Act ("Official Gazette", no. 62/17) (hereinafter: the Act), certain terms have the following meaning:
1) Fishing for big fish - is a type of fishing that is carried out from a vessel in motion (trolling), from a vessel that is floating or anchored (jigging), and is carried out with a special fishing tool for hunting large fish with or without feeding .
2) Big Fish Tackle - A system consisting of a fishing rod and reel, each part of the system having a load capacity of 13,446 kg (30 lb) or more.

Types of permits

Article 3.

(1) Permits are issued by the Ministry of Agriculture (in the following text: Ministry) for a specific purpose and period as follows:

1. daily and multi-day permits for sport or recreational fishing issued for the period:
– for one (1) day
– in three (3) days
– in seven (7) days
– in 150 days.
2. annual licenses for sport or recreational fishing that are issued for the calendar year
3. special permits for sport or recreational fishing in parts of the sea protected in the category of national park, special reserve and nature park in accordance with the act of the public institution that manages the protected area.
4. special permits for the use of additional fishing tools and equipment, which are issued for fishing:
– standing longline, one or more of them with a total of up to 100 hooks
- spears for fishing, a total of up to three (3) pieces
- with the use of artificial lighting, i.e. one lighting fixture with a power of up to 100 W for an incandescent bulb, or 30 W for a halogen and LED bulb, and for gas lamps with a light intensity of up to 400 cd, exclusively when fishing with fishing rods or lines with a fishing hook cephalopods
– eight, one (1) piece in total
- fishing tools for big fish, a maximum of three accessories (rod and reel) with one hook on each accessory, or one lure on each accessory.
5. Special permits from point 4, subparagraphs 1 - 4 of this paragraph are issued only for the calendar year.
6. annual licenses for recreational fishing and fishing with spears, spearheads, standing longlines and the use of artificial lighting, which are issued to former holders of valid privileges for small-scale coastal fishing whose privileges were revoked at their request, to persons who had a valid authorization for small-scale fishing , and with the request they gave up the transition to small-scale coastal fishing and to persons who had a valid permit for small-scale fishing and submitted a request to switch to small-scale coastal fishing, but are not on the ranking list of participants in small-scale coastal fishing in a certain calendar year.
(2) The license is issued to the license holder and is non-transferable.
(3) Special permits are issued exclusively on the basis of a previously issued annual permit, except for the permit referred to in paragraph 1, point 3 of this article.

Article 4.

(1) A fisherman, holder of an annual, daily or multi-day permit from Article 3, paragraph 1, points 1 and 2, may fish with the following quantities of fishing tools and equipment:
- by discarding, a total of up to two (2) pieces
– with a kančenica, a total of up to two (2) pieces
- with a pull string (panel), up to two (2) pieces in total
- with a hook for hunting cephalopods, a total of up to two (2) pieces
- with a device for hunting large sea worms (trapula), a total of up to two (2) pieces.
(2) The fisherman referred to in paragraph 1 of this article is not allowed to use tools for hunting large fish in fishing from a vessel without a valid license for this type of fishing.
(3) In the permitted daily catch, the share of live bivalves and snails may be up to 2 kilograms, except for mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis), which may be up to 5 kilograms.
(4) Holders of an annual permit for sport or recreational fishing at sea have the right to purchase special permits for fishing with standing longlines, spearheads, fishing poles and for the use of artificial lighting (feral) and to use these fishing tools and equipment in addition to fishing tools and equipment listed in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article.
(5) In addition to the fishing tools and equipment specified in paragraph 4 of this article, holders of licenses for sport fishing at sea may carry out spearfishing (up to two pieces in total), and holders of annual licenses for sport fishing at sea have the right to purchase an annual special licenses for fishing with angling gear for big fish.
(6) Fishing in areas that are protected on the basis of regulations on nature protection in the categories of national park, special reserve and nature park may be carried out by an angler in possession of a special permit from Article 3, paragraph 1, point 3 of this Ordinance.
(7) Additional restrictions on the method of fishing, characteristics and quantity of fishing gear for sport and recreational fishing in the areas referred to in paragraph 6 of this article shall be prescribed by a special act under the jurisdiction of the ministry responsible for nature protection.  

Amount of fee for certain types of permits

Article 5.

(1) The fee for certain types of permits is determined in kuna as follows:

Ordinal numberType of permitSports feeRecreational fee 
Daily and multi-day permits 
1.Permit for one (1) day6060 
2.Permit for three (3) days150150 
3.Permit for seven (7) days300300 
4.Permit for 150 days for minors and invalids of the Homeland War of the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter HRVI)10100 
5.Permit for 150 days for persons who are retired or who have reached the age of 6560100 
6.Permit for 150 days for adults up to the age of 65600750 
7.Permit for 150 days for persons over 65 years of age who reside on the islands and the Pelješac peninsula as specified in the special regulation on the islandsit is not issuedissued free of charge 
8.One (1) day big fish fishing license120it is not issued 
9.Big fish fishing license for three (3) days300it is not issued 
10.Big fish fishing license for seven (7) days600it is not issued 
Annual permits (*) 
11.Annual permit for minors and disabled persons of the Homeland War of the Republic of Croatia (hereinafter HRVI)10100 
12.Annual permit for persons who are retired or who have reached the age of 6560100 
13.Annual permit for adults up to the age of 65350500 
14.Annual permit for persons over 65 years of age who reside on the islands and the Pelješac peninsula as specified in the special regulation on the islandsit is not issuedissued free of charge 
Special permits (**) 
15.Special permit for standing longline fishing200200 
16.Special permit for fishing with spears for catching fish200200 
17.Special permit for oyster fishing100100 
18.Special permit for the use of artificial lighting100100 
19.Special license for fishing with fishing gear for big fish700it is not issued


(*) - they are valid for the calendar year, and the purchase is possible in the period from December 1 of the previous year to March 1 of the calendar year
(**) - are valid for the calendar year, and the purchase is possible in the period from December 1 of the previous year until the end of the calendar year.
(2) The prices of individual categories of permits from Article 3, paragraph 1, point 3 of this Ordinance are prescribed by the public institution that manages the protected area.
(3) Permits from Article 3, Paragraph 1, Item 6 of this Ordinance are issued by the Ministry free of charge.

Article 6.

(1) It is forbidden to carry out sport or recreational fishing with artificial lighting from vessels with installed glass on the bottom.
(2) A vessel used in sport or recreational fishing with oars with artificial lighting may only be moved with the use of oars.
(3) Fishing for cephalopods with hook lines and artificial lighting in sport and recreational fishing is prohibited from March 1 to September 30, regardless of the possession of a special permit for artificial lighting.
(4) Sports and recreational fishing at sea is not permitted in places determined by a decision of the local self-government or the concessionaire.
(5) Placing on the market catches from sport and recreational fishing is prohibited.

Article 7.

(1) Fishing with an underwater rifle is prohibited with the use of devices that enable the diver to breathe under the sea.
(2) In underwater fishing, it is forbidden to tow a fisherman by a vessel and/or use an underwater scooter.

Article 8.

(1) The hook for hunting large fish with fishing tools for large fish from Article 3, paragraph 1, point 4, sub-paragraph 5 of this Ordinance must be circular (the so-called circle hook), and the hook and all metal parts used to connect the bases or pre-ties (spindles, buckles, etc.) must not be made of stainless material.
(2) As an exception to paragraph 1 of this article, when using lures, a classic single hook (so-called J-classic hook) may be used.
(3) When hunting for large fish, it is forbidden to use fighting poles and to attract fish using a rod holder attached to the hull of the vessel.
(4) It is forbidden to hunt for large fish at a distance of less than 1 Nm from the bluefin tuna farm.

Article 8.a

(1) In sport and recreational fishing for bluefin tuna and eel, it is allowed to fish only in the catch-and-release manner, so that the caught tuna or eel must be released before being hauled onto the vessel.
(2) As an exception to paragraph 1 of this article, it is allowed to bring bluefin tuna onto a vessel exclusively as part of recreational fishing for trophy tuna, in accordance with a special regulation that regulates recreational fishing for trophy tuna.

Article 8.b

(1) According to this Rulebook, the organizer of a sport fishing competition at sea is obliged to report the competition to the Croatian Association for Sport Fishing at Sea.
(2) Sport fishing as part of the competition is allowed with the possession of a suitable sport fishing license, and in competitions in hunting big fish with the possession of a license for fishing with fishing tools for big fish.
(3) If a quota for sport fishing has been allocated by the regulation governing the fishing opportunities for bluefin tuna, the Croatian Association for Sport Fishing at Sea can submit a proposal for the distribution of the catch quota for individual competitions in hunting large fish, through a proposal to supplement and amend the Competition Calendar tuna for individual competitions, no later than 30 days before the start of the first big fish hunting competition.
(4) Competitions in hunting big fish to which a quota for bluefin tuna has been allocated may not last longer than 5 calendar days.
(5) The Croatian Association for Sport Fishing at Sea, on behalf of the competition organizers, is obliged, no later than 7 days before the scheduled date of the individual big fish hunting competition to which a bluefin tuna catch quota has been allocated as part of the application for holding the competition, to submit the following information for each vessel that will participate in the competition:
– registration number or name of the vessel
- information about the owner and user of the vessel.
(6) The Ministry also authorizes vessels for each individual competition with a decision on approval and competition conditions.
(7) According to this Ordinance, the organizer of a competition in sport fishing at sea is obliged to submit to the Ministry a written report on the catch of tuna with data on the number and weight of caught and retained specimens, on the Report form of the catch of tuna in sport fishing (Annex 6 of this Ordinance), in within 24 hours after the end of the competition.
(8) Exceptionally from Article 8.a paragraph 1. of this Ordinance, in big fish hunting competitions with an approved quota for catching bluefin tuna, an individual vessel may, until the quota determined for the competition is fulfilled, bring on board and retain only one individual tuna per day . A retained individual may only be landed whole, and exceptionally, without entrails and gills. Retained tuna must be landed at the venue of the sports competition between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

 Article 9.

(1) If the manner in which sport or recreational fishing may be carried out and/or the fishing tools and equipment used for sport and recreational fishing at sea is not prescribed by this Ordinance, the provisions of the Marine Fisheries Act and the regulations adopted on its basis shall apply. relating to the manner of use and purpose of fishing tools and equipment that may be used in commercial fishing at sea.
(2) The provisions of this Ordinance and the regulations governing the catch of bluefin tuna and iguana shall be applied to sport and recreational fishing for bluefin tuna and iguana.

Article 10.

The age of the persons listed in this Ordinance is determined in such a way that the current calendar year in which the person turns a certain age by the end of the year is taken into account.

Article 11.

  • The beginning and end of the right to practice sport or recreational fishing is determined by the period for which the permit was issued as follows:
    – permit for one day from 00:00 to 24:00 on the date for which the permit is valid
    - permits for three days and for seven days from 00:00 on the first date to 24:00 on the last date

- permits for 150 days from 00:00 on the first date to 24:00 on the last date, i.e. no later than December 31 of the calendar year for which it was issued, whichever comes first, and
- annual permits until midnight on December 31 of the calendar year for which they were issued.

 Minimum sizes for certain types of fish and other marine organisms

Article 12.

(1) The smallest sizes of species of fish and other marine organisms that are allowed to be caught and collected in sport and recreational fishing, and kept on the vessel and landed are:

Dentex dentexdentex30 cm
Mustelus asteriasyou are soft80 cm
Seriola dumeriliMr45 cm
Sarda Sardabonito45 cm
Sciaena umbraa hoax30 cm
Scorpaena scrofapatch30 cm
Spondyliosoma cantharuscanter18 cm
Squalus acanthiasdogfish66 cm
Arca noaclam5 cm
Mytilus galloprovincialismussels6 cm
Ostrea edulisoyster7 cm
3. CEPHALOPODAcephalopods 
Octopus vulgarisoctopus1 kg 

(2) For species that are not listed in the Table in paragraph 1 of this article, the provisions from Annex 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 1967/2006 of December 21, 2006 on management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishing resources in the Mediterranean Sea, amending Regulation (EEC) no. 2847/93 and repealing Regulation (EC) no. 1626/94 (OJ L 409, 30 December 2006, p. 11).
(3) Graphic representations of measurements of the sizes of fish and other marine organisms are shown in Annex 1 of this Ordinance.

Marking of catches from sport and recreational fishing at sea
Article 13.

(1) Fish caught in sport and recreational fishing that are retained and must be marked by cutting off the lower part of the tail fin are:

Dentex dentexdentex
Dicentrarchus labraxsea bass
Diplodus puntazzopic
Diplodus sargussharag
Diplodus vulgarisfriar
Epinephelus spp.groupers
Lithognathus mormyruslittle sheep
Merluccius merlucciushake
Pagellus erythrinusarbun
Pagrus pagruspagar
Polyprion americanusgrouper head
Sarda Sardabonito
Sciaena umbraa hoax
Seriola dumeriliMr
Scorpaena scrofapatch
Sparus auratafennel (sea bream, bream)
Spondyliosoma cantharuscanter
Zeus Faber blacksmith

(2) Cephalopods caught in sport and recreational fishing that are retained must be marked with a deep cut on the head in the area between the eyes, except for squid (Loligo vulgaris) intended for live bait. The length of the squid mantle intended for live bait must not exceed 20 cm.
(3) A graphic representation of the labeling of fish and cephalopods is presented in Annex 2 of this Ordinance.

Sale of licenses for sport and recreational fishing at sea

Article 14.

(1) All types of permits for recreational fishing at sea, as well as the corresponding special permits, can be purchased by the fisherman at the Ministry - Directorate of Fisheries and branches of regional units of the Ministry and from legal and natural persons authorized for this purpose by the Minister of Agriculture (in the following text: Minister), that is, via the Internet via the website of the Ministry - Directorate of Fisheries.
(2) All types of permits for sport fishing at sea, as well as the corresponding special permits, except for the permits referred to in Article 3, paragraph 1, point 3 of this Ordinance, can be purchased by the angler from the members of the Croatian Association for Sport Fishing at Sea (in the following text: Association) – association for sport fishing.
(3) As an exception to paragraph 1 of this article, an angler may purchase annual recreational fishing licenses for the Croatian National Fishing Federation and annual licenses for pensioners who have not reached the age of 65 only at the Ministry - Directorate of Fisheries and branches of regional units of the Ministry and from legal and natural persons who the minister authorizes it.
(4) Annual permits for HRVI are issued upon presentation of proof of disability, and permits for pensioners upon presentation of proof of retirement. In the event that the retirement documents are not written in Croatian, it is necessary to submit evidence translated into Croatian and certified by an authorized court interpreter.
(5) Annual permits from Article 3, Paragraph 1, Point 6 are drawn up by the Ministry in electronic form and their list is published on the website of the Fisheries Administration.
(6) All types of permits for sport or recreational fishing in parts of the sea protected in the category of national park, special reserve and nature park from Article 3, paragraph 1, point 3 of this Ordinance are issued by the Ministry and sold by public institutions that manage a certain area.
(7) When purchasing a license for fishing with angling tools for large fish, standing longline, fishing line, fishing with artificial lighting and spears, if it is done from a vessel, in addition to the mandatory information about the angler, in the request for the permit, the vessel's designation must be specified ( one to three) from which fishing will be done with the mentioned tools.
(8) Fishing with angling tools for large fish is permitted only from a vessel registered in the license for fishing with angling tools for large fish.

Article 15.

(1) When issuing permits from Article 3, paragraph 1, point 1 of this Ordinance, the fisherman is allowed to print out a certificate on a form via the Internet via the website of the Ministry - Directorate of Fisheries and the website of the Federation. In the case of the sale of permits by the Ministry or persons authorized to sell permits, a certificate of purchase is issued upon request (Appendices 3 - 5 of this Ordinance).
(2) The certificate of purchase of the permit from Article 3, paragraph 1, item 6 of this Ordinance is issued at the request of the party at the Ministry.

Article 16.

(1) Legal and natural persons authorized to sell licenses for recreational fishing, as well as the corresponding special licenses, shall enter into an agreement with the Ministry on the sale of these types of licenses.
(2) The Federation concludes an agreement with the Ministry on the sale of licenses for sport fishing at sea, as well as the corresponding special licenses, which regulates the way of keeping records and reporting on sales.
(3) The contract from paragraph 1 of this article determines the amount of compensation that belongs to the persons from paragraph 1 of this article, the method of keeping records and reporting on sales.

Article 17

(1) The association keeps a list of its members who sell licenses for sport fishing at sea and special licenses, which must be submitted to the Ministry by January 31 of the current year, and which can be subsequently supplemented by new members.
(2) The amount of money collected from the sale of permits is distributed so that:
– 60% of funds are paid by the Federation to the State Budget
– 15% of funds belong to the Federation as compensation for the costs of distribution and sale of permits
- 10% of funds is kept by the Association in a special account for the purposes of keeping statistics of catches in sport and recreational fishing, for the purchase and maintenance of IT equipment and the IT system for the sale of permits, and for meeting the obligation to pay membership fees in international bodies.
- 15% of funds will be spent by the Federation, through public tenders with the consent of the Ministry, exclusively for the financing or co-financing of marine protection and conservation projects, research related to assessments of the impact of sport and recreational fishing on the state of living resources of the sea, projects related to the promotion of sport and recreational fishing at sea, research related to the economic and social significance of sport and recreational fishing at sea.
(3) Funds from paragraph 2, sub-paragraph 1 of this article are paid into the State Budget once a month by the end of the current month for the previous month.
(4) The method of spending funds from paragraph 2, subparagraph 3 of this article, i.e., the scope and method of data collection for the purposes of keeping sport fishing statistics, is regulated by the Agreement that the Ministry concludes with the Federation.
(5) In the months of April, July, October and January, the Association is obliged to submit to the Ministry quarterly reports on sold permits and payments to the State Budget for the past period, as well as the state of dedicated funds from paragraph 2, subparagraphs 3 and 4 of this article. In addition to the above, the reports must also contain data on the quantity and type of permits sold by points of sale, i.e. by their members that sell permits.
(6) In the event that the Association does not pay the funds within the period referred to in paragraph 3 of this article, or does not submit the report referred to in paragraph 5 of this article, the Ministry will prevent the further sale of permits until receiving notification of payment, or until receiving the report.

Article 18.

(1) The Federation is obliged to submit to the Ministry by July 10 of the current year a proposal of topics for projects from Article 17, paragraph 2, subparagraph 4 of this Ordinance, together with information on the funds collected and the allocation to individual topics.
(2) The Ministry, in agreement with the Association, selects topics and issues approval for the publication of a public tender on accepted topics.
(3) A public tender for projects on accepted topics is conducted at least once a year.
(4) The selection of submitted projects is carried out by the Federation, which submits the proposal of the selected projects to the Ministry for approval.
(5) Unspent earmarked funds from Article 17, paragraph 2, sub-paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Ordinance in the current year shall be kept by the Association in its accounts, and the same shall be added to the funds of the same purpose in the following year.

Article 19

(1) The entire monetary amount collected from the sale of permits referred to in Article 3, paragraph 1, point 3 of this Ordinance is the income of the public institution that manages the protected area.
(2) Public institutions use the funds from the sold permits in nature protection activities.
(3) Public institutions enter into an Agreement with the Ministry on the method of recording the sale of permits from Article 3, Paragraph 1, Point 3 of this Ordinance.

Article 20.

(1) The central record of permits is kept in the Ministry.
(2) The Ministry maintains a register of legal and natural persons authorized to sell permits.
(3) Data on sold permits are permanently stored in the fisheries database maintained by the Ministry - Directorate of Fisheries.

Article 21

With the entry into force of this Ordinance, the Ordinance on sport and recreational fishing at sea ("Narodne novine", no. 155/14, 37/15 and 59/15) and Article 10, paragraphs 1 - 6 of the Ordinance on catch cease to be valid. cultivation and trade of bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) ("Narodne novine", no. 4/17 and 15/17).

Article 22.

Appendices 1-5 are printed with this Rulebook and are an integral part of it.

Article 23.

This Ordinance shall enter into force on the first day of its publication in the »Narodne novine«.


Minimum sizes for certain types of fish and other marine organisms

(1) The smallest sizes of species of fish and other marine organisms that are allowed to be caught and collected in sport and recreational fishing, and kept on the vessel and landed are:

Dentex dentexdentex30 cm
Mustelus asteriasyou are soft80 cm
Seriola dumeriliMr45 cm
Sarda Sardabonito45 cm
Sciaena umbraa hoax30 cm
Scorpaena scrofapatch30 cm
Spondyliosoma cantharuscanter18 cm
Squalus acanthiasdogfish66 cm
Arca noaclam5 cm
Mytilus galloprovincialismussels6 cm
Ostrea edulisoyster7 cm
3. CEPHALOPODAcephalopods 
Octopus vulgarisoctopus1 kg 

(2) For species that are not listed in the Table in paragraph 1 of this article, the provisions from Annex 3 of Council Regulation (EC) no. 1967/2006 of December 21, 2006 on management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishing resources in the Mediterranean Sea, amending Regulation (EEC) no. 2847/93 and repealing Regulation (EC) no. 1626/94 (OJ L 409, 30 December 2006, p. 11).
(3) The minimum conservation reference sizes for bluefin tuna and eel are prescribed by the regulation governing the catch of bluefin tuna and eel.
(4) Graphic representations of measurements of the sizes of fish and other marine organisms are shown in Annex 1 of this Ordinance.

Marking of catches from sport and recreational fishing at sea

Article 13.

(1) Fish caught in sport and recreational fishing that are retained and must be marked by cutting off the lower part of the tail fin are:

Dentex dentexdentex
Dicentrarchus labraxsea bass
Diplodus puntazzopic
Diplodus sargussharag
Diplodus vulgarisfriar
Epinephelus spp.groupers
Lithognathus mormyruslittle sheep
Merluccius merlucciushake
Pagellus erythrinusarbun
Pagrus pagruspagar
Polyprion americanusgrouper head
Sarda Sardabonito
Sciaena umbraa hoax
Seriola dumeriliMr
Scorpaena scrofapatch
Sparus auratafennel (sea bream, bream)
Spondyliosoma cantharuscanter
Zeus Faber blacksmith

(2) Cephalopods caught in sport and recreational fishing that are retained must be marked with a deep cut on the head in the area between the eyes, except for squid (Loligo vulgaris) intended for live bait. The length of the squid mantle intended for live bait must not exceed 20 cm.
(3) A graphic representation of the labeling of fish and cephalopods is presented in Annex 2 of this Ordinance.

On the basis of Article 9, paragraph 1, points 4 and 5 of the Marine Fisheries Act ("Official Gazette", no. 81/13, 14/14 and 152/14), the Minister of Agriculture adopts


("Official Gazette", number 42/16 – 05/04/2016)

Article 1.

This Ordinance refers to the minimum reference size for the preservation of fish and other marine organisms and to the method of measuring the size of fish and other marine organisms, and determines the catch rate for certain types of marine fish and other marine organisms.

Article 2.

Immature fish and other marine organisms are considered to be all developmental forms of fish and other marine organisms that are below the size specified in Article 3 of this Ordinance.

Article 3.

The minimum reference sizes for the preservation of fish species and other marine organisms below which they may not be caught, collected, kept on board, transhipped, landed, transported, stored, sold, exhibited or offered for sale are prescribed in Annex III. Council Regulation (EC) no. 1967/2006 of December 21, 2006 on management measures for the sustainable exploitation of fishing resources in the Mediterranean Sea (OJ L 409 12/30/2006) (hereinafter: Regulation No. 1967/2006).

Article 4.

The provisions related to the landing obligation according to Article 15 of Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) no. 1380/2013 of 11 December 2013 on the common fisheries policy (OJ L 354, 28 December 2013).

Article 5.

Methods of measuring the size of fish and other marine organisms are shown graphically in Annex IV. Regulation no. 1967/2006.

Article 6.

(1) Hunting periods, i.e. periods in the calendar year in which certain types of fish and other marine organisms may not be caught, collected, retained on a vessel, transshipped, unloaded, transferred, stored, sold, exhibited or offered for sale alive or in a fresh state are:



Hunting period




Sciaena umbra

a hoax

from May 15 to July 15

Epinephelus spp.


from July 1 to August 31

Polyprion americanus

grouper head

from July 1 to August 31




Homarus gammarus


from September 1 to May 5

Palinurus elephas


from September 1 to May 5

Maja squinado


from June 1 to November 30

(2) As an exception to the provisions of paragraph 1 of this article, fish or other marine organisms caught before the first day of the hunting season may be transported, stored, sold, exhibited or offered for sale alive or fresh for five days from the first day of the hunting season.

Article 7.

Regardless of their size, females must be returned to the sea immediately after the catch:

– lobster and steam with external eggs,
– crabs with darkened outer eggs.

Article 8.

The provisions of this Ordinance on the minimum reference size for conservation and fallow status do not apply to fish and other marine organisms that originate from farming.

Article 9.

The minimum reference sizes for conservation and harvests for bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), bluefin tuna (Xiphias gladius) and bluefin tuna (Tetrapturus belone) are established by the regulation that regulates the catch, breeding and trade of these species.

Article 10.

Regardless of the provisions of this Ordinance, certain species of fish and other marine organisms are protected based on the provisions of the Law on Nature Protection, i.e. by-laws adopted on the basis of that Law.

Article 11.

With the entry into force of this Ordinance, the Order on the Protection of Fish and Other Marine Organisms (Official Gazette, no. 63/10, 68/10, 145/10, 18/12 and 29/12) ceases to be valid.

Article 12.

This Ordinance shall enter into force on the first day of its publication in the "Narodne novine".

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